
연산자(operator) 정의: debounce(durationSelector: function): Observable

Discard emitted values that take less than the specified time, based on selector function, between output.

:bulb: Though not as widely used as debounceTime, debounce is important when the debounce rate is variable!


Example 1: Debounce on timer

( jsBin | jsFiddle )

//emit four strings
const example = Rx.Observable.of('WAIT','ONE','SECOND','Last will display');
    Only emit values after a second has passed between the last emission, 
    throw away all other values
const debouncedExample = example.debounce(() => Rx.Observable.timer(1000));
    In this example, all values but the last will be omitted
    output: 'Last will display'
const subscribe = debouncedExample.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
Example 2: Debounce at increasing interval

( jsBin | jsFiddle )

//emit value every 1 second, ex. 0...1...2
const interval = Rx.Observable.interval(1000);
//raise the debounce time by 200ms each second
const debouncedInterval = interval.debounce(val => Rx.Observable.timer(val * 200))
  After 5 seconds, debounce time will be greater than interval time,
  all future values will be thrown away
  output: 0...1...2...3...4......(debounce time over 1s, no values emitted)
const subscribe = debouncedInterval.subscribe(val => console.log(`Example Two: ${val}`));

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results matching ""

    No results matching ""