연산자(operator) 정의: debounce(durationSelector: function): Observable
Discard emitted values that take less than the specified time, based on selector function, between output.
Though not as widely used as debounceTime, debounce is important when the debounce rate is variable!
Example 1: Debounce on timer
//emit four strings
const example = Rx.Observable.of('WAIT','ONE','SECOND','Last will display');
Only emit values after a second has passed between the last emission,
throw away all other values
const debouncedExample = example.debounce(() => Rx.Observable.timer(1000));
In this example, all values but the last will be omitted
output: 'Last will display'
const subscribe = debouncedExample.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
Example 2: Debounce at increasing interval
//emit value every 1 second, ex. 0...1...2
const interval = Rx.Observable.interval(1000);
//raise the debounce time by 200ms each second
const debouncedInterval = interval.debounce(val => Rx.Observable.timer(val * 200))
After 5 seconds, debounce time will be greater than interval time,
all future values will be thrown away
output: 0...1...2...3...4......(debounce time over 1s, no values emitted)
const subscribe = debouncedInterval.subscribe(val => console.log(`Example Two: ${val}`));
Additional Resources
- debounce
- Official docs
- Transformation operator: debounce and debounceTime
- André Staltz
Source Code: